# Sensitive Command Canarytoken

# What is a Sensitive Command Canarytoken

Have you ever wanted a quick alert if an unexpected Windows process runs on a host?

This simple Canarytoken allows you to set up a quick alert when you want to know any time a specific command is executed.

This Canarytoken creates a registry key and sends an alert to you in near real-time that the command of interest had been executed.

# Creating a Sensitive Command Canarytoken

Head on over to canarytokens.org (opens new window) and select Sensitive command:


Enter your email address, or webhook address along with a reminder that will be easy to understand, as well as the name of the program you want to alert on.

then click Create:


Download the .reg file to a Windows system.


In an admin command shell, import the downloaded registry file by running the reg import command twice. The first time to insert registry keys to monitor 64-bit process executions and second time for 32-bit:

reg import <filepath\filename.reg> /reg:64
reg import <filepath\filename.reg> /reg:32

# How to use this Canarytoken

Once installed (with admin permissions) you'll get an alert whenever someone (or someone's code) runs your sensitive process. It will automatically provide the command used, computer the command ran on, and the user invoking the command.

Ideal candidates are executables often used by attackers but seldom used by regular users (e.g., whoami.exe, net.exe, wmic.exe, etc.).

You can use this for attacker tools that are not present on your system (e.g., mimikatz.exe), and if they are ever downloaded and run you'll get an alert!

Use a network management tool to deploy across your organization.

The alert will display the username and the hostname the command was executed on.